Términos comerciales

Horario comercial (UTC)
lunes: 11:00 - 00:00
martes - viernes: 00:00 - 00:30, 11:00 - 00:00
sábado: 00:00 - 00:30


American International Group, Inc. is a global insurance company. The Company provides a range of property casualty insurance, life insurance, retirement solutions and other financial services to customers. Its diverse offerings include products and services that help businesses and individuals protect their assets, manage risks and provide for retirement security. The Company’s segments consist of General Insurance, Life and Retirement, Other Operations, and a Legacy Portfolio. General Insurance segment consists of two modules: North America and International. Life and Retirement segment consists of four modules: Individual Retirement, Group Retirement, Life Insurance and Institutional Markets. Other Operations includes Blackboard U.S. Holdings, Inc., which is the Company’s technology-driven subsidiary. Legacy Portfolio consists of its run-off insurance lines and legacy investments.