Cresud SACIF y A (CRESY)

Trading terms

Trading hours (UTC)
Isnin: 11:00 - 00:00
Selasa - Jumaat: 00:00 - 00:30, 11:00 - 00:00
Sabtu: 00:00 - 00:30



Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria is an agricultural company engaged in the production of basic agricultural commodities with presence in the agricultural sector of Brazil, through its investment in Brasilagro, as well as in other Latin American countries. In addition, the Company leases lands to third parties and perform agency and agro-industrial services, including a meat packing plant. It operates in two businesses areas, namely, Agricultural and Investment and Development Properties. Its Agricultural business comprises eight segments: Crops, Cattle, Dairy, Sugarcane, Agricultural Rentals and Services, Land Transformation and Sales, Agro-industrial and Others. The Company's Investment and Development Properties comprises six segments: Shopping Center Properties, Offices, Sales and Developments, Hotels, International, and Financial Operations and Others. The Company's main crops include soybean, wheat, corn and sunflower.