WAVE Life Sciences Ltd. - Ordinary Shares (WVE)

Trading terms

Trading hours (UTC)
Isnin: 11:00 - 00:00
Selasa - Jumaat: 00:00 - 00:30, 11:00 - 00:00
Sabtu: 00:00 - 00:30


WAVE Life Sciences Ltd. is a genetic medicines company. The Company, through its synthetic chemistry drug development platform, designs, develops and commercializes a pipeline of nucleic acid therapeutic candidates for genetically defined diseases. The Company is engaged in developing oligonucleotides that target genetic defects to either reduce the expression of disease-promoting proteins or transform the production of dysfunctional mutant proteins into the production of functional proteins. The nucleic acid therapeutics, which the Company is developing are stereopure. A stereopure oligonucleotide includes molecules with atoms arranged in three-dimensional orientations at each linkage. The Company has three programs in Huntington's disease (HD) and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), and three additional development candidates.


Wave Life Sciences ialah sebuah syarikat farmaseutikal Amerika yang aktiviti utamanya ialah kajian penyakit genetik dan pembangunan ubat-ubatan inovatif. Ia telah ditubuhkan pada 2012. Salah seorang pengasasnya ialah ahli biokimia terkenal Amerika, profesor di Universiti Harvard, Gregory L. Verdin. Ibu pejabat syarikat terletak di Singapura.

Statistik untuk 2021

Pelaburan dan saham

Saham Wave Life Sciences didagangkan di NASDAQ di bawah simbol detik WVE. Jumlah bilangan saham dalam edaran ialah 86.8 mn. Kira-kira 69.5% daripada jumlah mereka adalah milik institusi. Antara yang terbesar:

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