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17 June
Insiders Buy the Holdings of IAK ETF

A look at the weighted underlying holdings of the iShares U.S. Insurance ETF (Symbol: IAK) shows an impressive 10.7% of holdings on a weighted basis have experienced insider buying within the past six months.

Globe Life Inc (Symbol: GL), which makes up 0.91% of the iShares U.S. Insurance ETF (Symbol: IAK), has seen 7 directors and officers purchase shares in the past six months, according to the recent Form 4 data. The ETF holds a total of $5,476,323 worth of GL, making it the #24 largest holding. The table below details the recent insider buying activity observed at GL:

GL — last trade: $77.89 — Recent Insider Buys:

Purchased Insider Title Shares Price/Share Value
04/24/2024 James Brannen Director 2,000 $78.47 $156,940
04/24/2024 David A. Rodriguez Director 1,500 $79.72 $119,585
04/25/2024 Mark A. Blinn Director 2,000 $76.77 $153,540
05/16/2024 James Matthew Darden Co-Chairman & CEO 2,000 $84.82 $169,646
05/17/2024 Thomas Peter Kalmbach EVP & CFO 500 $84.43 $42,214
05/20/2024 Frank M. Svoboda Co-Chairman & CEO 2,500 $86.31 $215,764
05/21/2024 James Matthew Darden Co-Chairman & CEO 1,000 $82.78 $82,775
05/21/2024 Frank M. Svoboda Co-Chairman & CEO 2,500 $82.27 $205,684
05/28/2024 Robert Edward Hensley EVP & Chief Investment Officer 2,500 $82.17 $205,421

And AXIS Capital Holdings Ltd (Symbol: AXS), the #28 largest holding among components of the iShares U.S. Insurance ETF (Symbol: IAK), shows 3 directors and officers as recently filing Form 4's indicating purchases. The ETF holds $4,324,613 worth of AXS, which represents approximately 0.72% of the ETF's total assets at last check. The recent insider buying activity observed at AXS is detailed in the table below:

AXS — last trade: $68.31 — Recent Insider Buys:

Purchased Insider Title Shares Price/Share Value
02/06/2024 Stanley A. Galanski Director 7,000 $58.45 $409,150
05/06/2024 W. Marston Becker Director 3,025 $66.58 $201,404
05/21/2024 Michael Millegan Director 1,400 $71.49 $100,086
05/28/2024 Stanley A. Galanski Director 2,000 $71.43 $142,860
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